a few years back i picked up Blue Like Jazz and Through the Painted Deserts and Searching for God knows what by Donald Miller and was floored by the beauty of roaming the country in the journey of awakening. Not that there was any purpose behind it but a passion of the freedom that can be found in life. I fell in love with the Bohemian lifestyle. I never went to the extent to follow through with the way of living cause that would mean that i'd have to give up the luxury's i have gotten myself into. So it was a step that I never made. I do feel as though myself am on some wavelength there though.
A few months after reading the books by Don Miller I picked a book called On the Road by Jack Kerouac. If you haven't read it, you're missing out on some great entertainment. The similarities between those books are the searching and the enjoying of life. But both lead down different paths, maybe similar but the destination is not the same.
I've seen this journey also in the movie Into the Wild. The journey and experiences are the appealing part in it all. the freedom. love. people. Being a unique individual with knowing there are other people there to help you grow in and express your uniqueness. We're created for a purpose that is to express the glory and wonder of God.
There are a group of people who fit everything in together of this passion for life into a purpose that won't fade or come to an end with no fulfillment. I see this in the people who want to be apart of something big but don't want to be big themselves. I see this in people who long and hurt for one another. I see this in people who share each others burdens. Of all the prenotions these characters give in the books, they are all, for the most part hated by the world. or the american side of it that i know of.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says this: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
I see a journey of knowing the beauty God has revealed to us but it will take far beyond the time we have here on earth or in heaven. This is the journey i seek. The beauty of the Kingdom of Heaven.